Amongst the numerous ongoing projects that Sundar Gopal Das is presently engaged in, one of the most ambitious one remains Mission COASTOK (Connect a Soul to Krishna). The program’s essential tenet lies in each devotee cultivating and bringing at least one new person to ‘Krishna Consciousness’ every year. The newcomers then engage in the same process of educating one new person thereby increasing the strength double-fold, every year.
The recent October Viplava festival at Govardhan (Mathura), was a showcase of that very segment (COASTOK). As of now, across India, there are more than 30 Vedic education centers being conducted under the expert leadership of Sundar Gopal Das.

But in all such endeavors, more than the projects, it’s the People (team) that are real Projects. Spiriting the spirits of the leaders, the project flourishes automatically. For that very purpose, an Area Leader’s Camp was set up in Jan 2023 gathering up leaders of Vedic education programs from various locations like – Delhi, Gurugram, Ghaziabad, Rudrapur, Ahemdabad, Ludhiana, Patna, and more.
ISKCON Kathwada, a farm community project in Gujrat offers some scenic, close to nature living. Somewhat off from the agitating echoes of the cities, the 100 acre farm is a refreshing treat to the mind and soul. A perfect location for a significant convention.

A total of 32 Leaders from different areas attended the camp discussing the most important principles for widening the reach and keeping nourished the already practicing members. The training program led by Sundar Gopal Das was majorly geared towards teaching influential leadership principles.
Together, the attendees participated in numerous group activities, visited places such as the Sri Sri Radha Govind Dham Temple, ISKCON Ahemdabad and finally travelled to visit Sri Ranchhodraiji temple at Dakor giving a sweet and transcendental end to the beautiful camp.