Under the able leadership of Sundar Gopal Das, ISKCON Youth Forum Delhi’s annual pilgrimage to Mayapur and Jagannath Puri was carried out successfully in the month of February.
Every year around mid feb devotees from across the globe tend to head towards Sridham Mayapur for the month long Gaur Poornima festival celebrations. As most devotees tell, it’s like a rejuvenation time to visit Mayapur and charge themselves up for year long Vedic education programs at their respective locations.
In the entourage headed by Sundar Gopal Das, A total of around 600 youth forum devotees and congregation members joined the yatra this year. The troop had its first junction at Sridham Mayapur from feb 16 to 21st visiting numerous pastime places such as Yoga Peeth, Srivas Angan, Nrsimha Palli, Rajapur Jagannath temple, Murari Gupta’s house etc.
‘Shravan’ (Hearing) is the way of seeing Holy Dham and the group had a rich hearing during the entirety of the yatra by various senior teachers including Sundar Gopal Das. Every single rising and setting of the sun was overloaded with ecstatic sankirtans and endless bliss.
After Sridham Mayapur, the entourage headed towards Sri Jagannath Puri dham on Feb 22nd and visited various places like Sri Jagannath mandir, Gambhira, Gundica temple, Tota Gopinath, Sarva Bhauma Bhattacharya Nivas, Siddha Bakul, etc. These places have a rich history and significance in the Vaishnava tradition, and the group had a chance to experience them first-hand.
The yatra was a great boost to the spiritual health of all participants. Every bit of dham is so profusely graced with the mercy of the lord that even new comers also can very easily access and connect to the spiritual vibrations. The yatra helped all strengthen their faith and deepen their understanding of the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness.